Thursday, March 4, 2010

MOAR art for fanfic

Let's get this train wreck a'rollin'~~~!
Remember to click to englarge

This is a sketch map of the places that happened in the fanfic so far.
If you followed the story so far and understand this pic,
I applaud you.

Kamei Eri sketch.
Too many trail and error trying to draw this turtle, and I finally got it.
Now i need to work ffrom there to make it more look like her.

Linlin and Linlin??
Two Linlins in one pic? Are you mad GeN?
No, just undecided. I cant decide what hairstyle she can represent herself as.
Actually, I cant really decide what hairstyle in some of the members i've been tryin to draw.
: \

An improved version of Kamomo.
Nothin much to say about this, I'm still figuring out what her final look will be.

Well that's all for now. I may attempt more on drawing other members and other characters that'll appear later on. But now I feel the need to continue mah fanfic.

Who wants some fanfic?

I do! I do!

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