Monday, February 1, 2010

Why Can't Women Stand Out -Review

It's finally here~~ Morning Musume's latest single, Onna ga Medatte Naze Ikenai~~

Before I start this review, let me take you back the end of last year when the name of the song was anounnced. Immediately, the H!O forums had the impression that its gonna be another Nanchatte Renai of the sort. I, for one, expected another fast-paced pop-y MM song. Weeks later, a radio version had released in the radio show Five Stars, then later a leak was released of a cam quality of the PV. I didnt wanna spoil the fun so i resisted long enough not to watch/listen to it.

But a week ago, I just went ahead and watched the LQ quality. When i watched it, I only wanted to analyse the song rather than the PV. I have to admit, it was hard to get into it straight away (which is unheard of, even for me as a momusu fan). I had to listen to it again by extracting the audio from it and put it in my mp3 player. While putting the song in 'repeat' helped alot to get this song into perspective. Holding back my comments about this song until the higher quality of the PV was released today. Now I can finally review this new single.

The Song:
This song is what i expected from our current lineup of Momusu. Which is, like the last few singles, give out the theme of maturity.

Q: Have they succeded?
A: Yes.

Q: Did they deliver what they want out of this song?
A: Very Yes.

Q: Do I like it?
A: Kind of

The song starts off with a rumble of acoustics and high pitched sythesizers. Immediately i thought this song was gonna kick ass. But when it came to the verses, it kinda slowed down for me. I guess it's probably to let the audience feel the sexyness of their voice so we wont miss a second of it. But i already heard that in Nanchatte Renai. What saved those parts was the acoustics doing its thing. It really helped build up to the chorus.

The chorus itself was really lacking for me. It hurts me to say it, seriously. I have no problem with all of them singing at the same time like in Nanchatte Renai or Shoganai Yume Oibito, but this song's chorus felt like they just wanted to just shout it out. Dont get me wrong, there are some good shouting choruses in their old singles (Ai Areba Its Alright, Go Girl Koi no Victory and Ambitious! Yashinteki de Ii Jan).

I see Sayumi gets another "Ahn~" line.I can feel that she's probably tired of it by now. Ah well, she looked cute doing it lol.

Here's to add her collection of "Help Me!" and "Ah~"

There's a part of the music that I actually cant get use to but I'll save for the review of the promotional video.

The PV:
UFA has finally shelled out some cash to make a decent setting for the video. But, somehow it feels all too familiar? Maybe an inspiration from and old PV? Does it include bright background lights, dancing the flamingo dance in red dresses, and have fire hands?

The theme of the video was obviously a runway/fashion model motif. The catwalk itself was long and wide, and has different shades of red by the overhead lights that stream on it. The shots of them walking on it were ok. The slo-mo effect was a bit over used even when they were making their pose at the end of the runway. Good thing these shots were only shown during the verses of the song. It was nice to see each member get their own shot walking (slo-mo) and get their own pose (slo-mo). What actually annoyed me about the slo-mo was the part of the music when you hear the high-pitched sound, it sounds like it stuttered which sometimes made these good but it really annoying to me. The I'm part I'm talking about is:

Here are shots the moment you hear this sound:




Close up shots this time was really nice, considering that they look absolutely stunning in their 'fluffy' costumes. Thats one big ass disco ball in the background:

Yep. That's one big ass disco ball in the background.

The make up scenes was a fresh change from their previous PVs. Whats a fashion show motif if there arent scenes of models putting on their make up? The girls' scenes of them putting on their make up was done beautifuly. We can all pick our favourite shots of the girls and who looked the cutest. Votes are on Eri and Linlin. You can see a change from these shots compared to the runway ones coz of the natural orange hue that come fromt he lights on their mirror. I think it gave their skin more smoother look and made it glow.

The girls are getting ready to kick ass in this PV,
while looking good
of course~~

Normally I give credit in some of the choreography they do in their PVs. But this time around, this has got to be the weakest of them all. There was no defining movement that went with the song's chorus. It was almost flaily. I'll give it more consideration once I see their group shot version of the PV.

This was a really so-so release. The song was okay. Some might say that this is their best yet. But to me, there are alot of other singles that places on top. It's quite cool that Tsunku didnt slow down the rhythm of the release since Kimagure Princess and keep it that way! The PV was pretty much the same formula but had better set mixed with good 'makeup shots', not just the standard group-shot/solo-shot. I guess the PV director finally listened to us that we wanted something more from our comments about the recent PVs. Good Job you.

Thumbs up: Rhythm of the song was great and the PV was an improvement with better post production effects.


The PV from the Dohhh Up website

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