Sunday, February 28, 2010

Story has a bit more~~~~~


-scene opens within Chill Bill robbery-
-white sub heading displays, '7 o'clock-

Narrator: The last time we saw Iscariot85 and his friends, they were inside the ice cream parlour while a robbery in progress...

TerryAA: (Why are they doing this?)

Kamomo: (They're j-pop idols. They shouldn't be doing this.)

Iscariot85: (It seems like she's hesitating.)

TerryAA: (Huh?)

Iscariot85: (Look.)

-shot zooms to both of Gaki and Ai's hands shaking while holding their guns-

Kamomo: (I bet that big guy is forcing them.)

-the clerk finishes filling the bag with money and proceeds to raise up his hands)-

Man: /Get back in the car./

woman 1: /yes/

woman 2: /...yes/

-the tall man hurrily leaves the shop first and starts the car-
-woman 1 trips to the floor in panic-
-woman 1 makes eye contact with Iscariot85-

Iscariot85: (Mayuge Beeeeaaaam!)
-Iscariot85 does the pose for Mayuge Beam-

-woman 1 pauses by the surpise-

woman 2: /Hurry Gaki-san! Or they'll be in more trouble!/

-woman 2 helps her partner get up and both runs into the car-
-Iscariot85 gets up and chases after them-
-car begins to drive away-

Iscariot85: Gaki-san! Ai-chan!

-as the car drives away, in the rear seat, both Gaki and Ai remove their disguises and looks back to Iscariot85-
-the car disappears into a corner-

Iscariot85: ...

-TerryAA and Kamomo both ran out to meet up with Iscariot85-

TerryAA: They're gone.

Kamomo: I wonder why they did it.

-Kamomo lifts up a gun and hands it to Iscariot85-

Kamomo: Gaki-san dropped it. It's not real. It's just a toy.

Iscariot85: There is no doubt that they've been force to do this. And probably the other Morning Musume members are in trouble too.

-All of them goes quiet for a moment-

TerryAA: So what now?

-Iscariot85 steps forward and turns to TerryAA and Kamomo-

Iscariot85: I'm going to follow them and help them. If you want to come--

Kamomo: I'm in!

-Kamomo steps forward to Iscariot's side-

Iscariot85: How about you dood?

TerryAA: *sigh* It's just another day with Mr. Awesome.

Iscariot85: Ha ha ha! You ain't seen nothin yet.

-police sirens can be heard from far away, approaching closer-

Iscariot85: I dont know about you guys, but I don't wanna waste time talking to the cops. Let's blow this scene and we'd better hurry.

TerrAA: Ok!

Kamomo: Right behind you!

-scene of them running away from the shop and disappear into a corner-
-fades to black-

-scene fades in into a shot of a alarm clock, displaying '7o'clock-
-scene changes into a bedroom with a girl sleeping in a bed tossing and turning-

Narrator: While our heroes begins their journey to save the Morning Musume members, here begins another fan waking up from her sleep...

girl??: Oh crap! I'm soo late!

-girl?? stumbles around getting herself ready-

girl??: Penlights. Check. Money. Check. Phone. Check.

-girl?? runs out from her house and rides away on her bike-

girl??: It really was a bad idea to take a nap before the concert starts!

Narrator: Little did she know that there isn't a Morning Musume concert and she's heading straight for a cat...

girl??: huh? who said that?

-girl?? realizes the cat and pulls the brake hard, nearly falling off the bike-

girl??: Watch where ya goin'!

-cat hisses and runs away-

girl??: *sigh* It's getting dark fast.I wonder if the concert started...

-girl?? looks across the street and sees a hooded woman looking around in disarray-

girl??: What's up with her?

-the hooded woman sees girl?? and runs across the street and stops in front of her-

hooded woman: HELP ME! HELP ME!

-girl?? was surprised and realizes-

girl??: You're Sayumi!

-girl?? does the Usa-chan Peace pose-

Sayumi: Yes! Yes!

-Sayumi takes of her hood-
-girl?? looked extremely happy while holding in her excitement-

Sayumi: /Can you speak japanese?/

-girl?? struggles to respond-

girl??: /a little bit.../

Sayumi: /Please! You need to help me! My friends have disappeared!/

girl??: /Who? What happened?/

-Sayumi falls to the ground clutching in pain-

girl??: /Hey! Are you alright?!/

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